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Monday, 23 May 2011

Peer review - :)

                                                Peer review - 

Question 1 – Is there a sufficient difference in informal and formal design?

Kate use’s both formal and informal elements and principles to create her designs. Her works for example the cd cover uses a balanced use of light contrast and exposure to highlight and empathise the centre of the image. Such a use of formal balance allows for the correct proportioning of the objects within the images, as well as allowing this light exposure to create dominance and surrounding frame that creates the focus within the centre of the image. Each part of the cover allows for a creation of unity which utilises the pallet choices of such a negative exposure effect upon the imagery. The assignment for the cd cover shows a assortment of asymmetrical balance as each side reflects the imagery of the other. This use of informal design once again highlights the focal point at the end of the apparent pathway within the front of the cd cover. The front cover of the cd takes into the use of the Gestalt theory, as it shows a passage, leading to a dark spot in the focal point. This is also relevant to the back of the cd cover. The design allows for a closure of the mind, with the feeling as if you know there will be a scary or dark cold space at the end of the hallway, and your eye just focuses on the thought of the corridor continuing and becoming ever ending. Kate’s assignments, majority focusing on the cd cover designs, show sufficient difference in informal and formal design, creating effective and aesthetically pleasing designs.

Question 2- Is the concept appropriate for informal design? (Give reasons why or why not)

yes the cd cover concept is appropriate for informal design, as informal design highlights the asymmetrical balance of a design and the alignment of design, which is extremely important in the design of a cd cover. Cd covers need an effective composition as it becomes unified and therefore becomes more aesthetically pleasing to the target audience attracting them to buy the product.

Question 3 – Give suggestions as to how improvements can be made & how ideas can be developed further. (Look at the use of space, colour, tone, type, scale, etc)

Kate could improve in the cd cover design by using different letterforms, or by blending in the letterform to create a unity within the piece, this would allow for a less emphasis on the letterform, as it stands out as if it is separate from the design. The rubbish font design was really effective although the, letterform choice could be improved by changing the letterform type, for example using an italic letterform appearance. The letterform colour in the 2nd cd cover design could been changed to a lighter colour or white colour and an exposure effect be use on it or glowing effect to blend it in with the negative film effect creating a balanced design. Kate’s work is overall effective and attracts the target audience to the products. Kate has designed effective concepts and has used a variety of elements and principles.

Question 4 – Rate the overall aesthetic and explain why?

Focusing on the cd cover designs, the strengths of the concepts are the composition of the letterform and imagery, the use of the letterform layered over the background, the use of a focal point at the centre of the imagery, the texture created by the exposure effects on the walls, the imagery creates a 3-dimensional form, giving the illusion of a 3d object within the design, the contrast of the light and dark hue levels and the colour pallet of negative colours. The aesthetic qualities of the concepts allow for this effective design although some weaknesses are apparent, though not many. As the composition of the letterform is effective other possibilities are available, the letterform chosen could have been situated on the wall heading towards the corridor, this opportunity may have allowed for a more effective design if implemented correctly. The design doesn’t have any other weakness’ as to myself it attracts the attention of myself, and other audience. Opportunities for improvement may be changing the exposure effect to a black and white or sepia effect. I also cannot perceive any threats as the design is aesthetically appealing.

Well done Kate MonstARGH!

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